It’s been terribly long since I wrote on the blog. So please accept my apology.
To be honest, I’ve been mulling over whether I need to keep writing here, if it’s helpful for anyone, or if I should just give it up. I’m not the most tech savvy person and my site isn’t very modern or as current as others. Also – for quite awhile, writing seemed to be what I was supposed to do. I’m reevaluating that lately. I do enjoy the writing, but trying to assess if it should be a priority.
So maybe you can help me with this. Do you like the content here? Would you like to see more about my grief journey or grief in general? If there are topics or ideas you would like to see me write about, comment and let me know.
We all know grief is such an odd journey. I just passed the 8 year mark. I can’t wrap my head around that length of time. In some ways it doesn’t seem that long ago, but when I look at all that has happened since my husband passed, it makes sense that it’s that long. Sounds a bit circular in thinking, but then, grief is sorta like that, isn’t it?
To catch you up on what I’ve been doing. In 2021 I took an ACBC Biblical Counseling Course at my church. Deep stuff, but so good. Since January 2022, I’ve been putting together a Grief Support Binder – my personal resource when meeting with a widow. It’s all sorts of information on a variety of topics with applicable scriptures etc. No one but me will really be seeing this, but I need something where all the stuff I’ve learned, both in class and in life, is located. My husband would call it my Dash One – which is what they called the enormous binder for each aircraft in the Air Force. It’s a small b bible for that plane. My GSB is my Dash One.
Oddly enough, but perfectly logical in God’s economy, God continues to bring widows to me in various ways, giving me the opportunity to listen, understand and with whom to share my journey. It’s such a privilege. And so – this is where I believe God is calling me – – – – to walk along side other widows. This is an awesome responsibility and calling. The more I learn, the more I feel inadequate to the task. But God has other ideas. He used so many unqualified people in the Bible to accomplish His will. Maybe I’m just another one of those unqualified, but willing & obedient folk.
Thank you for being part of this inconsistent blog of my journey. Doing this was not what I had originally meant to do – the blog portion just came with the set up of the website, so I went with it.
I’m honored that you would take time to read my ramblings. I’m honored to share my imperfect journey. Let me know what you think.
Peace & Blessings…………………………………………..