Isn’t this the question we ask about everything? When our spouse dies, life gets thrown up in the air. And we who are left behind struggle to put it all back together.
How do I know how long to wear my ring(s)?
How do I know if I should stay in my home or sell & move?
How do I know what to keep and what to let go of?
How do I know if I’m making the right decision about – – – the vehicles, the property, the job, the paperwork/forms, friendships, finances, church…….
It can crash in – feel overwhelming. It can cause a cascade of grief deeper & longer lasting than you expected.
What I want you to know is – – – feeling this way is completely normal. And – you will get through it !!
We sometimes feel “less than” when confronted with such a different paradigm. But the truth is – – – we are not “less than”. We are strong and we are walkin’ this thing. We never knew how strong we were till we HAD to be stronger than we EVER imagined. Strong through tears, through decisions, through fire & rain.
So hang in there dear one. Better days are coming. And when you look back, you will smile, knowing you actually did it. Yes…………….yes, you really did.